Friday, December 17, 2010

Starry-eyed for Shia

So WHEN can I meet Shia LaBeouf? I mean seriously he's soooo cayyyute! Ok, I sound like a little teen exclaiming about Just Bieber or something but it's true! Not hating on the "Beebs" but I'm on my grown man status as far as what I'm looking for. And for starters Shia fits that criteria. The 24 year old actor has come a mile of a way from being on Disney channel's show "Even Stevens" and he's quite an actor nowadays. But, what's the 411 Shia, available??!

I had heard about him dating Carey Mulligan, the English actress who's making positive tracks in the cinema world. But I also heardthat they broke up...yes!

Breaking up IS hard to do but it's also an open door for someone as fabulous as me to come along. Truthfully I didn't think they were really an item, seemed like an odd match, odd is cool, but that was odd! Shia I'm here. A girl can dream, no harm in that.

Shia's been on the move so he may not be able to hang with me any time soon, so I understand Shia. You may be working on releasing Transformers: Dark of the Moon set to release 7-1-11, but finish some of your projects up and meet me in Philly! Stalker much? No not me, just lightly intrigued.

Anyway! I'm glad to see that he keeping things flowing with the acting gig because he makes me going to the movies worth it. He's rumored to be working on a film with Tom Hardy, the hot guy that played the character "Eames" in Inception starring another hottie Leonardo DiCaprio. The crime drama film is said to be titled "The Wettest County in the World." Hmm, title change? Is it about a town that gets flooded a lot, I mean really. Well I just said "crime drama" so idk. But we'll see what comes of that! 

Well Shia, you seem to have the acting game on lock and I wish you the best and much success as you make your way over to a chocolate gal like me! Hehe, I make myself laugh. (Sighs) Yes, I'm quite starry-eyed for Shia. Watch my eyes twinkle.

Starfully signed,

THE star trakker

Here is a link for the "teaser trailer" for Transformers: Dark of the Moon:

Star Searcher

So apparently, two of my fav celebrities share the same astrology sign as me! I am a Taurus and I believe I share many of the traits of the bull sign. My sign for today says, "A chance encounter has given you some new ideas -- flesh a few of them out today." Wow, I just started this blog a few hours ago and I wanted to begin something new! Cool. But I never really thought celebrity wise what celeb's signs are. But after some light digging I discovered something. 

I heart Al Pacino so much, I mean he's a freakin' legend and an awesome actor. Can you say Michael Corleone?!! The Godfather of acting is more than the epitome of famous movie quotes and classic roles, he is a Taurus (April 24th)! Say what?! I mean this is great, he is my all time favorite actor AND we share the same sign. Loves it.

Plus, my other fav celeb is a Taurus as well. Audrey Hepburn (May 4th), the late and of course great actress shares my star sign. She was marvelous during her reign in Hollywood films and her many trademarks live on today. I knew A.H. and I had a common link.

Here are a few Saggitarians who have or will be celebrating a December birthday:

Ben Stiller (Nov.30th), Bette Midler (Dec.1st), Benjamin Bratt(Dec.16th) Alyssa Milano(Dec.19th)

Check out what celebrity shares a sign with you. Or, find out what a celeb's sign is in general. I'm sure you'd be surprised.


THE star trakker

Am I a gossip girl?

Ok, so I often pretend to not give a flying you know what about celebrities and what is going on in their lives. But I admit every now and again I find myself intrigued by who cheated with who or what gorgeous dress someone wore at an award show. Why is that?! Well I'm going to try my hand at getting down and creative about the latest news about celebs. I'm no "Perez" or "Media Take-out" critic but this will be my east-side slash Philly point of view of what's happening with the stars! 1st OFFICIAL post that includes dirt is soon to come!

Adios sincerely,

THE star trakker